3rd Anniversary! SZE#4, life update and hiatus status!

Hello everyone, it's our third anniversary!!!!! 

Today, July 19th marks the 3rd anniversary of Home Zomewhere Else visual novel! Even though, we're still on hiatus, to celebrate this milestone, I bring you somethig that we've been preparing for quite some time.
Story Zomewhere Else #4: Pippo's new year! Written by our teammate, that has been with us for some time but now I Introduce him officially: Blind Seer!

As stated before,  Stories Zomewhere Else are written short self-contained, non-visual novel(so far) stories about characters that you may or you may not know, that takes place in the Zomewhere Else series universe! This time, we follow the steps of Pippo, a Catfish/koi fish mix breed, in a short journey with Jenny's brother: Leonardo! Here you can see Pippo and his clothes, Pippo's little twins(spoiler: they're also in Thony and Roro's class in hze) and 2015 Leonardo's designs:

Note that this Leonardo design is him in 2015, the year this story takes place. I hope you enjoy this story because we most certainly did!






Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell, hello everyone! First of all, hoping that you all are having a wonderful year so far, I say hiiiiiiii

Certainly, as some of you may know, its been some really hard times all these past months, but during all of that, I also had tons of fun on my trip to the United States and Canadá! I got to met some old friends, people that i've met through the visual novel, members of the hzeteam and also the creator of Roads yet traveled! had lots, lots and lots of fun with all of them!! Also i got way much fatter because of them, they filled me with so much food that holy shit, i've never eaten so much in my entire life for such a prolonged spawn of time jjwaksjd. I thank deeply each one of you that got to share some fun during these times, and thank you even more to those who had the missfortune to have to listen to what i was going through jaksdjfj T__T

As you guys know also, I've always liked to be as transparent as possible with everything, so i feel kinda responsable, and also because i'd like to, to share at least a little bit of what has been going on these past months.

So, ever since i came back from my trip, I've been going to therapy! and its been doing really good, its been a really long process to be honest, one that i was most certainly not ready for too. But I've realized and learned so much about me. i've gone through so so so much in such a small ammount of time, and i dont know if i should be thankful for it or what for the next statement, but i do know that im way much stronger now because of it.  I've learned so much about friendship and respect myself way much better now, that I won't allow people to treat me like i was treated or disrespected ever again, I have my moral and values really, really high as some of you may know, so I wouldn't like to socialize nor interact with people that don't even realize or think of all the damage they've done, nor care tbh, and we're always gonna encounter these kind of people through our life, but at least im way much prepared now for the future, it's been really sad times and sad moments to loose people you used to care about... but those who truly care and matter are still there and will continue to be there, there's only one path and its forward, i've never forgotten that at least!

 As you can see, it's been quite a wild ride, but i promise its been getting better, I don't think about it as much as it did before, doesn't affects me as much and hopefully It'll continue getting even better, and I'm trying to be way much better for myself too, and for the people that truly care about me and have supported me through all this healing journey they know that I'll always be truly grateful for it. I completely see me way much differently as the Zordy that was going through all of that, i've grown and learned so much, that im really, really proud of me and also myself in the past, he did the best that he could, and always with the best of the intentions, even though he was hurt really really bad and made mistakes, im still proud of him, and i know he will be fine, WE will be fine.  These past months we've been in a cacoon... healing, learning, growing, until the day we were going to shine again, and that day might be sooner that we think, hopefully, We've never lost the hope that one day, we'll be allright <3

This is hopefully the last time im gonna talk about this and the last details about it too...

Healing takes a lot of time, and I'm grateful of everyone that has been patient with me through all of this, and continue to be. Even tho i really, really want to work on it, or continue creating more content or more story, for the first statement and a lot of other reasons, is why I'm still not ready to go back to working on the visual novel YET nor have interacted much because it also brings some memories and names that i wouldn't really like to remember or go through, we have to find a new programmer, new people to join the team, learn how to do a lot of stuff that was in hands of people that are no longer part of the team and so much more.

 Nonetheless i thank each of past hzeteam members for the work they've done for the project, without them, we wouldn't have the awesome project we have now, for their help will always be appreciated and be part of the HZE project history!

Thanks everyone for your patience, for your comprehension and for your support, even though you're gonna have to see me write the same thing over and over again, its because i mean it and im not gonna get tired of saying it-

Thank you, thank you, thank you, im really grateful of all of you, your coments, your fanarts, your support, you sharing and recommending our visual novel, your support on patreon, your support in commissions and everything, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you!

 Once the time is right and everything sorted out we'll be back, i promise, wait for us until then!

Hoping nothing but the best for all of you, and wishing you all a lot of healing, and hopefully healing from everything you guys don't talk about to anyone,hoping that everything gets better for you, I'll see you guys soon!

Best wishes! - Zordy from the hzeteam

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Im really happy for you, I been there and understand that healing takes time, but your health is important to! So Ill wait as long as I need, I really like this VN as well
Espero todo siga bien en tu vida, saludos desde Chile y mucho animo <3

eyyy gracias!! Como que desdé Chile? 0: mandame un DM por discord o telegram!

sip desde chile  :3 y claro!


I'm glad you are finding a lot of time to heal and just to live life, sometimes it takes time (and therapy!) to recover from bad relationships. I'm grateful for this VN, so please take your time!! :D


eyyy thank you so much! <3