Public build 10 release!

Hello everyone! Today I bring you the tenth build of HZE, wich contains Chapter 2: part 4! We work really reAAAAALLY hard on the animations this time, so I hope you all enjoy!

Please remember to rate us on our itch io page! It woud help us greatly to get to more and more people!!!

Remember that you can read this update one month early, have access to WIPs, Special discord benefits, read the Story Zomewhere Else entries, and much more if you support us on Patreon and help us keep going!

You can support our project here:


Now, notes about this update:

- 3 New absolutely beautiful CGI's made by our new artist, Kinu!

-2 new Character sprites, One of them is kiiiiinda animated.

-More sounds!

- Music room! Here you'll be able to listen to your favorite Home Zomewhere Else Soundtracks!

- An Extra Content section! Here you're gonna be able to read Stories Zomewhere Else,  The music room ,The gallery, and much more coming soon! So I hope you look forward to them <3


Our Discord server has also been boosted by a lot of amazing people! We have an animated banner, roles with icons and more! so Thank you all so much for helping our server look rad <3

You can Join our discord server here!



If you haven't already, Remember there's the first entry of Story Zomewhere Else on Nero Valzer's Channel! go check it out, subscribe, and buy him a ko-fi!!

Soooooooo , the long waited update is finally here! Thank you so much for your patience and sticking with us!

Its tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimeeeeee to introduce our freshly joined team member, Kinu! He'll be helping us as an artist, by doing the CGI'S, backgrounds, animations, sprites, fanarts, and lots and lots of other stuff too! His art is already featured in this public update, so go check it out!

Also be sure to follow him on his social media! He's also open for commissions ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€

You can follow kinu here:


We also have been working with a secret person too, I won't introduce you guys to him yet, but he also helped us work on this update, so thank you so much!!!

 As always, WE'RE ALWAYS ACCEPTING VOLUNTEERS! so if you'd like to help our project grow and be a part of the team, don't hesitate to send a message to me, Zordy , on telegram, discord, twitter, patreon or comment on! Recently, we've have two awesome people join our ranks, I'll introduce them to you all pretty soon......... eyemoji

We are also working on a new entry of the Zomewhere Else Series , so wait until further news about it ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€

Also, a special mention to ThetaDog for making a livestream gameplay of our game, and upload it on his youtube channel! It's really appreciated! You can follow him on his twitter, and youtube channel !

Theeeeeeeeere's nothing much to say besides that, we've been working hard to bring quality content for you to enjoy, so we're always gratefull of our amazing readers, and we would appreciate if you would recommend our vn to more people, share or project wherever you'd like and thus, help us grow even bigger!

Thank you so much to our awesome Patreon Supporters too, we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you guys help, thank you thank you so much!

That would be all! stay safe and be good! -  Zordy from the hzeteam!

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The story is becoming crazier and crazier (in a very good way of course) with every update holy moly what is happening ??! That cliffhanger is cruel by the way ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Buuuuut i'm so hyped for the next update !
Thank you for this amazing update and have a wonderfull day !!


Thank you for your heartwarming comments! I hope you continue to enjoy our project! ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž and have a wonderful day too!!